Camping FAQ
Please check this site frequently, as camping information is subject to change, and further items may be added to the lists above. If you have camping questions that aren’t answered below, please contact us.
- Can I buy a single-night camping pass?
No, camping passes are not sold on a single-night basis. Only 3-night camping passes are available.
- Which nights are included in 3-night camping?
All camping passes are for the nights of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
- My friend bought my camping pass for me. How do I pick it up?
Just bring the order number and a photocopy of your friend’s credit card and ID.
- Are ADA accommodations offered in the campground?
Yes! ADA camping is available in all tiers of camping.
- What security and emergency services will be available?
Your safety and well-being is paramount. The campground will be fully staffed by our Ground Control team, as well as medical and security personnel, 24 hours a day.
- Are we allowed to sleep in our cars/oversize vans?
No. Sleeping in cars or vans can be a serious health risk due to heat. We do not advise this for anyone!
- Will there be a General Store in the campground?
Yes! It will be open the entire time that the campground is open.
- Can I grill or cook in the campground?
Yes! Small, portable propane stoves/grills are allowed for cooking. Tanks up to 4 lbs (per group) will be allowed into the campground (propane bottles that are part of your RV/camping trailer’s internal system are OK, even if they exceed 4 lbs). Please monitor your cooking devices and fully turn off tanks whenever you are not using them. Stay safe, and be aware of your surroundings while cooking. Note: Butane accessories (including torches), as well as steel knives or other utensils deemed as weapons, will not be allowed into the campground.
- Are there showers in the campground?
Yes. We offer free showers, porta-potties, and drinking water.
- If you confiscate something, can I get it back at the end of the weekend?
Prohibited items confiscated at any point—whether at entry or throughout the weekend—will NOT be returned. Please carefully review the lists of acceptable/prohibited items. If you have a question as to whether something is permitted, contact us. If you’re unsure about an item, we advise you to leave it at home.